Grants & Funding Sources
Below are some grants and low-interest loans available to individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations and municipalities. State and Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits are a great way to restore a building to high standards with financial incentives. As we learn of additional sources, we will add to the list.
Historic Rehabiliation Tax Credits
Properties listed on the national register of historic places are eligible for state and federal tax credits
Federal and State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits are administered through the State Historic Preservation Office and work similarly to a rebate. First apply for program BEFORE construction for review and approval. After inspection of completed work, the homeowner will receive a voucher that is given to a sponsoring company who pays cash for the tax credit voucher. See links below for more details and application forms. First determine if your property is eligible by seeing if it is listed individually or considered a contributing property to a historic district on National or State Register.
You can use BOTH federal and state tax credits on a project but must apply separately. They are both reviewed by Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).
NOTE: When using historic tax credits, you must do restoration work within "Secretary's Standards for Rehabilitation." The SHPO office will provide guidance on it.
Up to 20% of construction costs - application needed - work must be reviewed and approved before beginning work. The requirements for federal historic credits are stricter than other historic tax credits.
Up to 25% of construction costs - application needed - work must be reviewed and approved before beginning work. (PROJECT MINIMUM $30,000 on commercial projects or $15,000 on residential projects)
There are different programs for residential and commercial properties. State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) can help you find the right program. See links below.